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- Please fill out the following I-View order form. You can
- order I-View either by FAX or by MAIL.
- Cost:
- * I-View US$19.95 US$19.95
- * California Residents Add 7.5%
- Sales Tax: US$_________________
- * Total Amount: US$_________________
- 1. To order By Mail:
- Send check or money order with user info. form to:
- Talent Communications, Inc.
- P.O.Box 611476
- San Jose, CA 95161-1476
- U.S.A.
- * Make check or money order payable to
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- 2. To Order By Fax:
- Fill out and sign the following form and send it with the
- user info. form to: (408)437-0738 via FAX.
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- Total Amount : ______________
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- Exp. Date : _________________________________________
- Your Name : _________________________________________
- Your Signature : ____________________________________
- Date : ______________________________________________
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- I-View User Info. Form
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- Name: Date:
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- Where did you hear about I-View:
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- Where did you obtain the I-View software:
- 1. I-View ftp sites (from best.com or netcom.com)
- 2. SimTel
- 3. CICA
- 4. CompuServe
- 5. Other ftp site, please specify: ____________________
- 6. From a friend
- 7. Others, please specify: ____________________________
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Upon receiving this form and payment, Talent Communications, Inc.
- will send you an I-View license file via E-mail. Please double check
- your E-Mail address.
- Thank you for ordering I-View.
- ===================================================================
- </pre>
- <B>Last Modified: July 12, 1995.</B><br>
- Copyright (C) 1995 by Talent Communications, Inc.,
- San Jose, California, U.S.A.